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Can anyone tell me how hot it gets in this area in the summer and winter months, we often visit the Costa Blanca area of Spain which is great in the summer but we are now finding it a bit cold in winter what is it like here?


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My god. I bet the administrators are wondering why they ever bothered to set this website up. What happened to people coming on here and sharing opinions & experiences, asking questions, and recommending stuff. Now it´s just all politics, accusations & bad mouthing people.
I think when Mags said goodbye to this forum she might have had the right idea. As someone who has a business here I can only hope that the holiday makers dont ever read all this...........I bet they think its just great here!!
In advance I say sorry for any spelling mistakes and I truely am called Nikki, so hopefully I wont get into any trouble.

La Marina

While I agree that the immature response from Andi was out of order I don't think it's a matter for the police, this is a forum after all and there is always going to be heated debates, the bad language should be removed but that is Andi's decision to make.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-25 20:16:17 UTC


On Saturday and Sunday 30th and 31st at El Paraje del Molino in Formentera del Segura. Starting at 2pm and ending at 1am on both days. This event will deliver great entertainment for all the family. There´s going to be a bar, a barbie, a hog roast, tombola, raffle, loads of clothes, household things and accessories for sale at bargain prices. All for charity, so come along and dig deep!!!!!

The programme of events is:


14:15 – 15:15 Children’s Fashion Show

15:30 – 16:00 Dance Extreme

16:05 – 16:25 Renegade Line Dancers

16:30 – 17:30 Lorna Michelle

18:00 – 19:00 Short Fuse

21:00 – 22:00 Kirsten Mackay

22:30 – 23:30 The Usual Suspects

00:00 – 01:00 The Monos


14:45 – 15:15 Zumba Group

15:30 – 16:00 Dance Extreme

16:30 – 17:30 The Voodoos

18:00 – 19:00 Dance School

19:30 – 20:30 The Assigned

21:00 – 23:00 SFM

00:00 – 01:00 Buddy and the Rockets

Holidays......Book your Holiday here

Local Santa Pola Rental Property
Santa Pola Rental Property
Santa Pola Rental Property

Santa Pola Rental Property
Located on Spain's Costa Blanca, the coastal town of Santa Pola is a busy fishing port and a lively holiday resort. Santa Pola has a large fishing fleet and fishing has always been important for the economy of the town. To the south of the town lay a large area of salt lakes, where the production of salt has taken place since Roman times, between the salt lakes and the sea are miles of wonderful sandy beaches and this is a particularly popular area for kite flying and dozens can be seen on a breezy day.

Santa Pola

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Accommodation Moraira
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Moraira Rental Property Section

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With a coastline stretching approximately 8km Moraira has a lot to offer its visitors. It has a variety of sandy beaches and rocky coves. A visit to the Playa del Portet is a must. Situated in a small shell shaped inlet the clear blue sea is a superb setting for a peaceful swim. There are shower facilities and restaurants. From here you can climb to the watch tower of Cap dÓr. This circular tower with a perimeter of 26 metres and a height of 11 metre was the main defense for the port of Moraira against the Berber pirate attacks.
At the foot of the 18th century castle in Moraira town is the beach of LÁmplla. It was one of the first in achieving the blue flag distinction for the cleanest shorelines in Europe. With golden sand is the largest beach in the area with an excellent range of facilities for the most discerning beach lover could wish for. Such as games, hammocks, and many bars and restaurants.
Moraira started off as a fishing village and although it has grown in size fishermen still go to sea to catch the produce that will be for sale in the fish market later that same day. It is now one of the most important fish auctions on the Costa Blanca.
There is a traditional general market in the town every Friday where you can pick up a bargain and at the same time soak up the friendly, lively Spanish atmosphere.
There is something different to do everyday of your holiday!!


Green Areas

Must agree about the Councils effort on the garden things are greatly improved, especially noticeable is when you drive onto the Urb just past the Petrol Station. I never realised until recently, that it was a park area. Another one that shows up is the one near the market.
I do remember seeing up here that once a person was asking how he applied to get his area done? Did he ever succeed?

La Marina

He will probably be told that it belongs to the residents if it is on a Parque. But if you want to put up no parking or no dog fouling, you have to form a committee and then get permission.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-15 12:23:49 UTC

Hello Sunshine, nice that someone remembered my request to Mr. Wiszniewski asking him how I can get the green area behind our houses cleaned up, after seeing the Town Hall workers working on other supposedly private green areas and doing a great job too. I was hoping that Mr. Wiszniewski would respond on this forum, to date he has not done so.

Commented Don in La Marina 2011-07-20 09:13:51 UTC

Has anyone been to see the Mayor since he started doing a few hours of open house at the satellite town hall.Apparently Jeff has stopped answering queries on this forum,and my visit to have a chat with him,seems to of been pointless.I wonder if the Major was more forthcoming,with his view of what he wants to do or not to do in the UIrbs

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-20 10:28:15 UTC

Sorry about not replying to your request, but to be honest, I do not remember seeing it. However, albeit a little belated. Come into our office and raise a Solicitud and we will put it into the system to have the job done.
Addition to the above: If a Solicitud is put into the system, the first thing that is investigated is whether or not it is the Council's responsibility. If it is, then the job will be dealt with. If not the applicant will be informed.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-07-21 10:44:33 UTC

Well Don, Jeff has at last seen your request.Hopefully you will go to the council office and raise a Solicitud,and hopefully see that you can get the green area behind you sorted.
It is important that you put on the forum in due course if the work gets done or not,so that the residents can see if Jeff gets things done or just talks about it

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-21 11:32:14 UTC

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believed private green areas are not the responsibility of the council so I would be most interested to know whose private green area is being cleaned by the council workers, I really hope its not another PIPN candidate is getting preferential treatment! If the council have changed the rules regarding private areas then why can't they help Eve with her drain problem?

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-21 15:13:34 UTC

I appreciate that the new councillors were not responsible for the area behind the vet on the way to the garage.
However, who in their right mind would build a park in an unpopulated area denying the vets of what was essentially their parking place?
Now there are cars parked on the garage road, albeit adjacent to the worst and most dangerous corner in the whole of La Marina!
What goes on in these peoples heads?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-21 16:10:47 UTC

Why do you continue to use these Spanish terminologies?
Let us face the facts you do not speak Spanish.
You are supposed to be representing the people of La Marina Urb and we speak almost every language other than that which you try to express yourself in?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-21 16:13:44 UTC

It is very interesting to see that Jeff is prepared to get your garden cleared up but, I would not hold your breath - when push comes to shove you will probably be told it has not been adopted by the council and to pay for it yourself. If you do manage to get them to do it then I for one will not be impressed because it will seem to me that gardens are more important than people's health. When it came to with our sewerage problem Jeff was quick enough with suggestions of who would do it, but he still thinks me and my husband should pay for it. I don't know where he thinks we are going to get the money from. We pay our suma the same as everyone else so we should be treated the same. I do not expect special favours, but, when it comes to health issues they should take priority. The council is a b..... waste of space. I defended Jeff and I gave him a chance but like most other politicians he buries his head in the sand. It will take a lady like Angelique to stir up these men. Woman do not pussy foot around like them. I would like to add - we have already paid 130 euros to clean the main sewerage pipe. It has tree roots growing in it. Does anyone want some firewood for their wood burning stove, perhaps if I get it cut down they will take me to task because its not my tree.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-21 16:38:59 UTC

Have just been down our garage and the b..... sewerage is up again. We either have to suffer the stench or dig into our pockets. Well jeff what would you do if someone has not got any money - let the sewerage run everywhere. I have already approached several people on the Parque about this problem and they don't want to know. I came here to live for a quiet life. - I do not want to spend my retirement dancing up and down to get things done. I have had my say on the forum perhaps It will have to be the press next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps you would like to pay us a visit Jeff and see if you would like to live with the problem? On the PIPN website it states WE DESERVE BETTER. IF THIS IS THE BEST YOU CAN DO - you should resign.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-21 17:14:00 UTC

I can't believe your neighbors are not willing to help Eve, surely it's the same drain that leads to their houses also, I bet the wouldn't be so eager to ignore it if the sewerage backed up to their houses and came up through the toilet! Hope you can get it sorted out soon and then you might be able to relax again.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-22 10:13:46 UTC

Julie it is a sad fact of life that a large percentage of people are selfish, if it doesn't affect them they don't bother. Never mind I may be able to tell these people to get lost if they have a problem. I have another little Ace up my sleeve but I won't shout about it yet, until I am 100per cent sure of my facts.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-22 10:45:00 UTC

Well whatever you have planned I hope all goes well and the problem is resolved once and for all.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-22 11:28:48 UTC

The German lady 3 doors away has just given my husband 20 euros towards cleaning out the drains so not everyone is selfish around here.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-23 17:41:17 UTC

How much is it going to cost to put right?

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-23 19:07:34 UTC

The first hour is going to cost 90 euros but its anyone,s guess how long it is likely to take. If they do a good job then I will keep their contact details incase anyone else on the forum gets problems. I will also take the details into the town hall because the only contact they have is a Spanish firm and, for people out on holiday or just arriving, it can be difficult. Drains cleared cost 160 euros and they were here 2 3/4 hrs. Arthur 24 hr service on 644 029 200 young man on the phone speaks German, Spanish and English.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-24 05:34:06 UTC

It seems when the council wants votes, they own the Parque's, when someone comes into power, they don,t. Whoever thought up this system of having committee,s on Parque,s did not give it much thought. Far better to charge more Suma on the properties and be responsible for all areas. There are too many nationalities and too many holiday homes to make it work. We moved from an apartment to get away from community systems and walked right into this. If there is anyone out there that can speak about 10-12 different languages then they might like to try and start up a residents association for over 200 properties and then we can form a committee to enable us to ask the council to adopt it.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-25 13:13:36 UTC

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