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Hi All,
I have been reading up on Spanish residency and it says that you need an appointment at either the local foreigners office or local police station. We are moving to Doña pepa at the end of April. Can anyone who has been through the process in this area please advise me as to whether it is the local police station or the local foreigners office that I have to apply to. Thank in advance Kelly


Hi Kelly, its the Policia Nacional that you want and yes its best to have an appointment. I deal with residencias, NiE´s etc, if you need help you can call me on 667834487, regards, Steve

Commented stif-in-rojales in Quesada 2012-03-05 07:15:49 UTC

Thank you Steve, we will be in touch,
Regards Kelly

Commented Scorpio75 in Quesada 2012-03-11 08:30:13 UTC