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This weeks match , the second in our Winter series was fished on the Eden Canal, part of the River Segura in Guardamar.

Winner on the day was Dave Hill with a weight of 5.40 kilos, second was Derek King
with a weight of 3.60 kilos and in third place was Pete Kerr with 3.04 kilos.
The weather was far better than forecast, but the river was not fishing well at all.
The next match in the series is booked for the drain in La Marina, but please check the website or telephone 966717923 on Wednesday.

The penultimate of the Clubs Quiz nights for the year , will be on Tuesday 29th November commencing at 7.30. The entry to the Quiz is one euro per person, and teams of 6 or less can take part. A finger buffet is provided, and everyone is requested to buy raffle tickets to cover the cost of this.

The next Club meeting is on Sunday 4th December, wit5h the Committee at 10.00 and the General Meeting at 11.00.

The Clubs home is at the Bar El Alto La Dolores, which is situated just off the new roundabout near the Repsol garage on the N332 between Guardamar and La Mata.
Anyone interested in joining this Angling and Social Club, can come to a Sunday Meeting, visit the website or telephone 966717923.