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Leaking Pool

Have been notified by Aguajest that we have a leak in our pool. Anyone know of a reliable plumber who understands pool workings in the Quesada area please


Hi, contact Company "[email protected]" if you have problem with leak in pool.
Tom Selby are the owner and I recommend him, his Telephone number are: 00 34 616 638 017.

Commented tomhesmyr in Quesada 2013-12-05 12:54:36 UTC

If you can prove it's a leak and you have a huge water bill - you can claim some of it back through the council.

Commented mail in Quesada 2013-12-10 19:08:13 UTC

Thankyou for details. Yes we can prove it was a leak as were advised by aguajest that our bill was excessive . Took. the bill to them and they said once the leak fixed then take the receipt to them and we will get a reduction in the bill. Thanks again

Commented Maggie Gray in Quesada 2013-12-11 15:13:05 UTC