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I would love to find out some more information about Guardamar and where the best places to eat are. I have been coming to Spain for years and we always visit the town but as I can not find any info in English I always feel we are missing out. I know where the beach is but what about the nature reserve that I have heard about or the marina. Could anyone help please we are over in 2 weeks time. I have only just found this site but it looks a bit new so not much help at the moment. So I hope someone is out their.

Hi Tina
There are two nature reserves next to each other Parque Reina Sofia & Parque Alfonso XIII. This link will show you where they are in relation to Guardamar http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=gauardamar+del+segura,+Spain&aq=&sll=45.614037,8.745117&sspn=16.319831,33.881836&ie=UTF8&ll=38.102617,-0.652828&spn=0.035864,0.066175&z=14 . This link will also show you how to get to the Port. Basically you need to take the most northerly turn off from N332 to Guardamar. This turning is at the junction with the CV 910. hope this helps. What sort of restaurants are you looking for?

Commented Spain Property Shop in Quesada 2011-04-19 08:10:06 UTC