Admin Comments

Those of you who are active on other Local Forums are well used to getting your postings deleted or moved to another section on that forum. We were actually trying to get away from all the Rules & Regulations of what you are allowed to do, or not allowed to do on this Forum. No other forums will allow any business to put their own website links in to promote their own business (unless of course you are paying money out to sponsor the said forum).
We at Admin must however ask you please to behave fairly responsible to each other on this forum and, of course, we do not expect you to agree with each other all of the time - the forum would be very boring if you did. However if we think anybody is speaking out of order we regrettably may have to step in and do some minor editing to certain posts. We would also please ask some of you not to keep swearing !

We agree that some of the postings should be split and are waiting on the IT Dept to inform us if this can be done.

La Marina

Good to see that we may become a proper forum again,hope you dont overdo the editing,but I must agree last nights fiasco was a step too far.
It would be a good idea that personal insults were kept out of the forum,by the contributors,that way Ian wouldnt have to waste his time editing things out.
But well done Ian,for taking this initiative

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-26 09:29:17 UTC

You have my 100% support.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-26 09:54:11 UTC